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LaTeX Document  |  1991-10-23  |  11KB  |  174 lines

  1. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  2. |                           Summary of TEXT1 Markup                           |
  3. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  4.     Help may  be selected  for the  following markup  by placing  the cursor
  5. under any of  the first eight characters of  the desired markup abbreviation
  6. followed bypressing the PF1 key.
  7. Abbreviation      Markup Name                Function
  8. app               \appendix{}                designate appendix
  9. apf               \appendixformat{}          modify appendix style
  10. aib               \asisbegin                 start 'as is' text
  11. aie               \asisend                   end 'as is' text
  12. aif               \asisformat{}              modify 'as is' style
  13. aen               \autoendnote{}             save endnote
  14. afn               \autofootnote{}            add footnote
  15. bie               \bibentry                  start entry
  16. bib               \bibliography{}            designate bibliography
  17. bif               \bibliographyformat{}      modify bibliography style
  18. bqb               \blockquotebegin           start block quote
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  25. cc                \caps                      call caps/small caps font
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  30. chap              \chapter{}                 designate chapter
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  33. dsp               \doublespace               start alternate blank lines
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  37. die               \dumpinsertseject          dump and print inserts
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  55. hbox              \hbox                      TEX horizontal box
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  60. hon               \hyphenon                  turn on hyphenation
  61. incl              \include                   add an external graphic
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  63. ix                \index                     add item to index
  64. ixf               \indexformat               specify the index format
  65. input             \input                     input another file
  66. isk               \interlineskip{}           set interline skip
  67. it                \italic                    specify italic font
  68. item              \item                      unordered lists
  69. ju                \justify                   align margins
  70. la                \label                     start a label
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  73. lin               \leftindent{}              indent left margin
  74. lr                \leftragged                unaligned left margin
  75. line              \line                      left justify a line
  76. lbr               \linebreak                 cause unfilled line break
  77. lint              \lineinterval              line numbering
  78. lnf               \linenumberfont            line numbering
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  80. lie               \listend                   end list
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  82. lil               \listlevel{}               start new list level (1-7)
  83. lir               \listresume                resume at previous list level
  84. mn                \marginnote                print a note in the margin
  85. mnf               \marginnoteformat          modify margin note style
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  87. mi                \mathitalic                call math italic font
  88. msp               \monospace                 typewriter printer setup
  89. mcf               \multicolumnformat         modify multiple column defaults
  90. nc                \newcolumn                 start a new column
  91. np                \newpage                   start a new page
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  95. ntp               \notitlepage               suppress title page
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  103. pin               \paragraphindent{}         set paragraph indentation
  104. printind          \printindex                print the document index
  105. psk               \paragraphskip{}           set space between paragraphs
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  114. pic               \putincontents1{}          add to the table of contents
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  121. rle               \rightlinesend             end right alignment, 'as is'
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  123. rm                \roman                     specify roman font
  124. rule              \rule                      create horizontal line
  125. rff               \runningfootformat{}       specify running foot format
  126. rhf               \runningheadformat{}       specify running head format
  127. sau               \sameauthor                previous author, bibliography
  128. sfs               \selectfontset{}{}{}       specify font set
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  130. ssf               \selectspecificfont{}{}{}  specify specific font
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  133. senn              \setendnotenumber{}        reset endnote number
  134. sfn               \setfigurenumber{}         reset figure number
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  165. today             \today                     print current date
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